Are you a determined marketer who cares most about his/her own business; but facing a tough challenge in the area of high sales potential, brand awareness, and genuine exposure?
Why not consider to advertise on Facebook and benefit from its infinite advantages? You have to! Because the fact is that there are lots of merits which you can't wait to roll up with; if you however make a decision.
I know everyone have aware that Facebook is a very popular interacting social media that connects millions of people around the globe, but for the sake of those that are new to it i will like to nap a bit about some of its advantages.
Facebook helps countless businesses to reach their goals with its over 1.4 billion of active users; who makes it a worthwhile popular website on the internet after Google, allows businesses to create a fan page which is uses to trigger the potential higher sales through building a fan loyalty, allows advertisers to target specific group of people base on personal interest, age, gender, location etc. Which mean it's an awesome influence for you as an advertiser that want enhancement in the area of sales, increasing brand awareness, gaining more visibility to your store and many more, So I think it would be very profitable if you allow Facebook to be a point of contact for your business.
But how can I really benefit through it so as to stand out among the fold of advertisers?
Please don't worry this is the reason this post is alive today and focuses on perspective of how to advertise for good and best result. Therefore I will make sure i try all my possible best in putting you through, in order for you to know how.
But how can I really benefit through it so as to stand out among the fold of advertisers?
Please don't worry this is the reason this post is alive today and focuses on perspective of how to advertise for good and best result. Therefore I will make sure i try all my possible best in putting you through, in order for you to know how.
In this post:
What is Facebook Advert and how it work
Facebook Advert Targeting
Building Connection
Building Custom Audience
Creating an Advert
Choosing Campaign Objective
Audience Targeting
Campaign and budget
Bid and price
Bid and price